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About Our Company


Vigneshwaray Steel Buildings is a premier manufacturer based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, specializing in high-quality PEB Structures, Metal Buildings, Industrial Sheds, and Steel Structures. Our products are known for their durability, easy installation, and elegant design, making them highly sought after in both industrial and domestic markets. 

Worldwide services

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Best company award winner

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quality Services

Providing solutions of every kind

High Rise Steel Building

A high-rise steel building is a tall structure primarily made of steel, commonly used for offices, residences, hotels, and mixed-use spaces. Its steel frame, built with columns and beams connected by bolts or welding, provides strength and stability, while floors and walls are covered with steel or concrete.

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Customize Steel Structure

Customized steel jobs involve designing, fabricating, and installing steel structures tailored to specific project needs. These range from metal staircases and railings to large buildings and bridges. Engineers, architects, and fabricators collaborate to create precise plans, using specialized tools to cut, shape, and assemble the steel components efficiently.

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PEB (Pre-Engineered Building)

A PEB (Pre-Engineered Building) structure is made from pre-designed, factory-built steel components assembled on-site. It is cost-effective, quick to construct, and highly customizable in size, shape, and layout. PEB structures offer flexibility, durability, and efficiency, making them ideal for various industrial and commercial applications.

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Industrial Shed Structure

An industrial shed is a commercial structure designed for manufacturing, storage, and distribution. Typically spacious, it accommodates machinery and goods efficiently. Made from materials like steel, concrete, and wood, steel is preferred for its strength and cost-effectiveness. Pre-engineered steel sheds allow quick assembly and customization for business needs.

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Conventional Shed Structure

In India, conventional steel structures dominate industrial construction due to versatility and cost-effectiveness. They allow easy modifications, seamless fabrication, and adherence to Indian safety codes. Their durability in harsh conditions, economic design using low tensile steel, and advanced analysis through software like STAADPRO ensure strength, stability, and efficiency.

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our skills

We specialize in industrial manufacturing complexity

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General Consulting


Design & Build


Construction Management


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Project Planning

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It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted the readable content of a page when

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted the readable content of a page when looking at layout the point of using lorem the is Ipsum less normal distribution of letters.
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted the readable content of a page when looking at layout the point of using lorem the is Ipsum less normal distribution of letters.
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted the readable content of a page when looking at layout the point of using lorem the is Ipsum less normal distribution of letters.
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted the readable content of a page when looking at layout the point of using lorem the is Ipsum less normal distribution of letters.
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted the readable content of a page when looking at layout the point of using lorem the is Ipsum less normal distribution of letters.
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted the readable content of a page when looking at layout the point of using lorem the is Ipsum less normal distribution of letters.
our team

Our expert team


John Sina

Project manager

Ameli Ken


De Leonardo


jacky Chan

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    talk to us

    building with passion ensuring satisfactions

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    +88 0123 654 99

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